
M, IOS 400, f11, ss500, 22.00mm

M, IOS400, f11, ss500, 22.00mm

M, IOS400, f11, ss500, 22.00mm

M, IOS400, f11, ss500, 22,00mm

In my opinion this picture has a nice camera angle because it is from un up angle, but it’s also tilted. I like this picture because I think it’s a really good example of camera angle.



M, ISO 400, 2700ss, F 5.6, 50mm

M, IOS 400, 2700ss, F5.6, 50mm

M, IOS 400, 2700ss, F5.6, 29mm

This is the photo from the internet I noticed it had a lot of texture, it has multiple curvy lines, it is silver, it has a lot of shading, the lines are all different, its highlighted and that makes it pop out and look cool it’s like a 3D pattern. and that’s about everything there is in the photo.


Camera exposure

Camera exposure, which affects how bright or dark a photo is, depends on three main settings: ISO, aperture, and shutter speed. Shutter speed controls how long the camera’s sensor is open to light. Faster speeds freeze action, while slower speeds can blur movement. Aperture changes the size of the lens opening, with smaller f-stop numbers letting in more light and creating a blurry background, and larger f-stop numbers letting in less light and keeping more of the scene in focus. ISO adjusts the camera’s sensitivity to light; lower ISO is good for bright conditions, while higher ISO is better for low light but can make the photo grainy. Balancing these settings helps you get the right exposure and creative look for your photos.